Why Xclusive-Escort?

Xclusive-Escort guarantees that you will forget the time and place in the company of our models. We know all our models personally. All pictures correspond to reality and are regularly renewed. All our models have a good general education and perfect manners.

Clothing request

Our models are ready for any occasion, they dress feminine, classic and elegant according to the occasion. If you have a preference for the extra special as Lack & Leather Lingerie, or has selected your own lingerie, please let us know. Our models are here to please you and will dress according to your desires.

Not the right model?

If the model does not match your desire at the beginning of a Rendezvous then we kindly ask you to reimburse travel cost and time spent. Please contact the agency immediately; we strive to give you as quickly as possible a model that corresponds fully to your desires.

Private contact

We kindly ask you to refrain from asking the models for any personal questions such as phone number or email address as it will it will her caused great embarrassment to say no.